Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday, December 31st 2010

I am back!!!  Last Friday, Christmas Eve, was the beginning of a nasty head cold that put me in bed for three days.  Simon also got pneumonia and has not left my side for the last few days.  Needless to say I have not worked out in over a week and it was REALLY hard to get up this morning at 6:30.  I could only question why I ever did this and do I really need to try and keep it up?

Coming out of being sick is hard for many reasons, but for me it was especially hard because after two days of basically nothing but sleep, I had a huge reality check.  It was back to work, back to recruiting students for the school, back to being mom, back to running a household.  I cracked!  I am just so grateful for my husband because I had a breakdown, he helped me up and we have now began the juggling act together, only he has taken on a few more balls to juggle in order to help me out.  I love him.

Anway, I DID workout this morning, and now I remember why I ever started doing this.  It makes me feel good, plain and simple.

Treadmill: 1% incline (I read any less is like running downhill, do at least this much
                  1.88 miles in 24.46 minutes.  Mostly walking, some short bursts of running,

Cycling: 3.66 miles in 15 minutes set at level 3.

Weights: Bi and Tri's 3x12 at level 4 
               Hams and quads 3x12 at level 3

December goal assessment:
My initial goal was to workout 20 days in december, that changed into 18 days.
The final result is that I worked out 13 days of December. 

Goal for January: Workout 15 days, with 3 big runs of 7 miles (outside if it is warm enough)
Food Goals:  Eat more fruits and veggies
These are realistic goals and I will achieve them! 

2011 goals:
Run a half marathon in the spring
Run a marathon sometime before the year is through
Run 3 10k's and any 5k' races that are free.
Happy new year!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

Distance Cycled: 7.5 miles
Time of Workout: 33 minutes
Weights lifted: bi's and tri's at 4, 3x12

I am pretty sure that I am going to come short of my goal of working out 20 days in December, unless I workout on Christmas It will not happen.  So, new goal.  18 days of workouts in December.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Distance Ran: 2.3 miles

Biceps and Triceps 3x12, Bi's at 4, tri's at 3

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday, December 17th, 2010

Distance Ran 2.6 miles
Time of Run: 30 minutes

So yeah, that is a lot slower than I usually run but T and I had some talking to do and it is HARD to talk over the loud treadmill.  Priorities people.

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

Distanced cycled: 3 miles in 10 minutes
Bi and tri 3x12 , level 4 on biceps and level 3 on triceps
quads and hams 3x12 both on level 3

Not a lot of cardio today, but I got in some good weight lifting.  That'll do pig.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Distance Ran 2.6 miles
Time of Run: 32 minute

All I can say was that running today was like pulling teeth, my own teeth with rusty pliers and no novocaine.  But, I got my butt out and did something. 

In other news, my knees are a bit achy.  I think I might have to take more than one rest day because with these crappy workouts are not worth an injury.  I really miss running outside.  I really miss running outside with L.  I miss L!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 13th, 2010

Distance Cycled: 3 miles in 18 minutes
Distance Ellipticalled: 1.4 miles in 12:01 minutes

That is all.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday, December 10th, 2010

Distance Cycled: 2.5 miles in 15 minutes
Distance Ellipticalled: 1.5 miles in 15 minutes

I was so tired this morning, but I got up and worked out anyway.  Mostly because I had to pick up T.  Having a workout buddy is HUGE motivation for me that early in the morning.  After I drove carpool, I came home and turned on a movie and let the kids enjoy some quality time with Thomas the Tank Engine while I slept on the couch. My kids were happy, I got some sleep , we all win.  Also, I didn't shower until 11:30, I probably shouldn't admit that.  Oh well.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Distance Ran on Treadmill: 3.2 miles
Time of Run: 31.32 minutes

I ran a consistanc 6.0 this morning, but I took three water breaks cause my throat was really dry.  The last 5 minutes i increased gradually all the way to 7.0 and it was hard.  I was dreading the treadmill this morning, but I was the only one in the gym so no excuses.

Also did Bi and tri 3x12

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Distance Cycled: 2 miles?  I think...can't remember
Time: 10 minutes
Distance Ellipticalled: 2 miles?  I think...
Time: 20 minutes

Also did Tri and Bi's 3x12, a level 3.  I am thinking I should move up a level or add more reps or something..

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Distance Ellipticalled: 3.2 miles
Time of workout: 32 minutes 23 seconds

I also did 3x12 each of Biceps and Triceps.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Distance Cycled: 4.0 miles
Time of workout: 15 minutes

Man the gym was packed this morning!  There was no room at any machine so I started out with weights.  3x12 quads, 3x12 hams, 3x12 bi's, 3x12 tri's (legs at level 3, arms at level 3)

I hope to run tomorrow morning, but with one treadmill it's a gamble. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

Distance Ran: 3.2 miles
Time of Run: 32.23 minutes

So, every morning at 6:30 there is a three stooges movie on AMC.  It's pretty awesome to watch on mute and guess the storyline and it makes running on  a treadmill much more fun.

In other news, I have decided that I am going to workout at least 20 days this month.  That is pretty much every day except Sunday's and Christmas day.  I feel so much better when I do it and it is good for me.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

Distance Cycled: 4.0 miles in 15 minutes
Distance Ran: 1.53 miles in 16.02 minutes
Huh, wish I could run half as fast as I can cycle.

A good workout this morning!  It has been so hard to get up this week, probably because I took three days off last week and slept in.  It was glorious, but hard to get back in the groove.  I am ALWAYS glad that I get up and workout, ALWAYS!  It is just hard to remember that on a very cold and dark morning.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 29th, 2010

Distance Ellipticalled: 3.83 miles
Time of workout: 30 minutes
Distance on treadmill: .27 miles
Time of run: 2 minutes

The treadmill was occupied this morning so I jumped on the elliptical.  After my 30 minute workout I decided that I would run the rest on the treadmill.  I basically sprinted that distance I think I was at level 8?  Anyway, it was hard and I can't imagine running that fast for an entire 5k, which is exactly what my best friend S did on Thursday's turkey 5k.  She was the 4 one in her division to finish and her time was 24 minutes and 58 seconds!  She's pretty dang fast and pretty dang determined.  Plus, it was like 10 degrees on Thursday.  I opted out of this race because I just plain hate running in the bitter cold and I am out of race money for the year.  Oh well, I am not sad about it.  Honestly, it just didn't sound fun to me at all because of the  conditions.  Do not run unless it can be fun, that is my motto and I'm sticking to it!
(Believe it or not I am actually mildly enjoying the treadmill, I get to chat with some great people so it makes it all worth it!)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Distance Ellipticalled: 3.2 miles
Time of workout: 30 minutes

I also did 4x12 triceps and 4x12 biceps.  I am preparing my arms for black friday shopping/painting!  :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.02 miles (at .5 incline varying between 6.0 and 7.0)
Time of Run = 32 minutes (yes, I am getting slower.  Fantastic.)

Clubhouse again today with T.  We have decided that if we get there at 6:45 we can get out workout in before our respective spouses need to leave for work.  That extra 30 minutes of sleep make a huge difference in my day!  Anyway, I also did some lateral pulls (3x12) and used the leg extension machine (3x12).  I really should do some sort of core workout, or at least add some crunches or something.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

Distance Ellipticalled: 3.0 miles
Time of Workout: 30 minutes

I also lifted weights for my arms only.  3x12 bicep curls, 3x12 triceps extensions.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Distance Ran - 3.15 miles
Time of Run = 36 minutes
Speed of Treadmill = first 4 minutes at 4.0 (walking) 30 minutes at 6.3-6.8, last two at 3.5

I visited my grandma the other day, she is in her 80's and suffering from Alzheimer's disease.  She has no clue who any of us are, and spoke to me in German most of the visit.  She is so tiny and weak, such a different person then I always knew her.  That visit, along with taking a wellness exam for our insurance has prompted me to care more about my health and my body. 

The wellness exam told me that while I get sufficient cardiovascular exercise, I need to also remember to add weight lifting to my workouts 3 times a week, and remember to stretch my muscles after workouts.  It also told me that I don't get enough sleep (no surprise) and that I have too much stress (not surprised) and that I need to focus on getting in more fruits and veggies into my diet.  I used to be so good at eating enough veggies each day.  I would eat them with every meal.  The last few months things have been so crazy and fast paced that I have not made time to put good food into my body.  It is going to stop though, I am re-dedicated to good health for me and for my family.

I can't do much about the stress and lack of enough sleep, but I will focus on what I can change right now and then go from there.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Distance Ran = 3 miles
Time of Run = 30 minutes and 12 seconds
Route = treadmill

Ok, so I am going to forgive myself for being slow on the treadmill because...I really hate the treadmill and at least I am doing something this entire cold cold winter.  That is all.  ;)

Monday. November 15th 2010

Distance Ellipticalled = 3 miles
Time of workout = 28 minutes

I worked out with T this morning, it is good to have someone to talk with again.  You may also noticed that it is Monday.  I am trying to workout every morning, running on Tues and Thurs and Sat for sure and other days if the treadmill is available.
Fun fun fun!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sat. 11/6, Tues. 11/9, & Fri. 11/12

Distance ran: 2.12 miles
Time of Run: 22 minutes and 40 seconds
Route: Treadmill

I woke up late this morning and only had time for a 25 minute run before picking up veggies.  This was after taking an entire week off of running.

Distance Ran: 3.0 miles
Time of Run: 30 minutes
Route: Treadmill

It snowed this morning!  It got really hot in the gym and so I opened a window.  THe heater kept going on and there was a vent right above the treadmill.  It SUCKED!  A and J were there though and I enjoyed talking with them.  THey start their workouts at 5:45 AM,  that there is some serious dedication!

Distance Ran 3.0 miles
Time of Run: 29.52 minutes
Route: Treadmill

Let's just assume from now on that I am running on a treadmill unless I specify otherwise ok?  Again with the heater, it is really really annoying.  Although it is better than running in the cold weather, so I will stop complaining.  I did some speed training today,  picking up my pace to a sprint for a certain distance and then kicking it back to normal.  The problem is that overall my time and pace are basically the same because I slowed down too much.  Oh well, it at least made it interesting.
I have also decided that I can fit a 3 miler in on Monday Wed and Fri  in addition to my tues thurs and sat workouts because N get's home at 6:45 and doesn't leave for work until 7:45.  I am going to try and run at least 3 miles each day with a long run on Saturdays.  We'll see how it goes!

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Distance Ran = 6.5 miles
Time of Run = 1 hour ish
Route = 5k route x 2 plus some

Ran with S, and had some deep conversations.  It was a good run with great weather, though there was a bit of wind on the Southward stretch but that is typical of this route.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

Distance on Elliptical: 2.5 miles in 20 minutes
Distance on Treadmill: 1.5 miles in 16 minutes

I actually woke up slightly ok with the fact that I was about to embark upon a treadmill workout.  My goal was four miles.  When I got there another good neighbor was already tearing it up on the 'mill, so I did the first half of my workout on the elliptical.   I was going pretty fast to try and simulate a running motion, but let's face it.  It's just not the same workout.

I finished out on the 'mill.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Distance Ran/ellipticalled (new word people) = 3.2 miles
Length or Run/elliptical = 32 minutes
Route = treadmill, so pretty much Satan's backyard

 Due to the recent drop in temperature outside, I am going to be starting a relationship with the treadmill. Some relationships are built around love, some are fueled by hate.  The treadmill and I, we are fueled by hatred.  Pure hatred.  However, my relationship with being COLD is filled with even more hatred, so I'll get over it.

I must admit though that it was easier today than it was last week, and so I hope that whole pattern continues.  I think that during the week I am going to hit the treadmill and then on Saturday I will run sometime during the day, my long runs. 

Here are some of my goals:
Thanksgiving day 10k
February, Ragnar Del Sol (Phoenix!)
April, Salt Lake Marathon, or half marathon
May, Dirty Dash 5k.  I have convinced a bunch of family members to run this with me and that includes...(be still my heart) husband! 
Admittedly, I have a horrible relationship with the treadmill, but if you multiply it by two and add one million that would describe how much N hates running.  But he said he would do it!!!!!

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010

Distance Ran = 5k
Time of Run = 31 minutes and 10 seconds
Route = 5k route, of course.

Man, never take a week and a half off of running.  It may as well have been a month!  Slower than I wanted, shorter than I wanted, but at least I ran.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Distance Walked = 2.5 miles
Time of Walk = 45 minutes
Route = neighborhood

L and I planned on running this morning, but we were both kind of bummed and needed to talk.  L is moving!!!  In two weeks!  It is not a small move either, her family is moving to a different time zone and climate, far far far away.  I am so sad for many reasons, least of which is because I have lost another running partner.  L and I have been close friends for 10 years, we've shared a lot together and with our families. Our husbands are good friends, our kids are good friends, we all laugh at the same jokes and can really be ourselves with them.  Things are always changing aren't they?

 So, today we just talked.  It was good.  I am really going to miss her and her sweet family.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.5 miles
Time of Run = 30 minutes (8.57 per mile, not bad)
Route = S's route which includes some hills.

I ran with dear friend S today, I've known her since 9th grade and she is one of my best friends.  We took a route by her home with some hills (ok, slight inclines) in it.  S is way competitive and so am I, she is also fast.  Kicked my butt!  We plan on running farther together next week, seceretly I think that in the endurance category I might win! :)  It was a good workout!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.2 miles
Route = Treadmill  BLAH!!!
Time of run = 32 minutes

Have I ever mentioned that I hate running on  a treadmill?  I instantly loose all motivation and energy when I step on board.  I feel that I have no other choice lately because it is soo dark when I get up to run and is barely lighting up when I am finished with my run.  Also, there's this guy who is attacking women runners and so it is not safe to run alone (probably never really was).  I just feel that it's not safe to run outside right now.  What a bummer.  Also, I haven't run in a week and half and BOY I will never do that again! 

On the brighter side, today marks my 40th day of running.  I am pretty sure that I have documented every day that I have run, so that is pretty cool!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Distance Ran = 5k
Time of Run = 35 minutes
Route = 5k route

I ran with L today, she is running her first race on Saturday and I am so excited for her!  I am thinking that I will run a turkey day dash, and then no other races until next year.  I am toying with the idea of running the ogden 1/2 marathon, possibly even the full marathon.  Thoughts?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

Distance Ran = 9 miles
Time of Run = 1 hour 30 minutes (10 min mile)
Route = Running trail near house

Today marks the longest run of my running life!  Ran with my long run buddy, she kept us at a swift pace. We actually took two water breaks, and that is included in the total time.  For some reason my middle toe kept falling asleep while I was running, it was weird.  My hips are a bit sore and I'm really tired, but other than that I feel great!  Next Saturday, I'm going to shoot for 9.5 miles.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday September 30, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.2 miles
Length of Run 35 minutes
Route = 5k backwards

Ran with L today, It was cold and I wore shorts.  Bad idea.  Also, I think I may be getting a cold because I was so phlegmy and found it hard to breathe.  Otherwise a good run.
I am planning on running 9 miles this Saturday, I can't wait for the challenge!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 28th 2010

Distance Ran = 3.5 miles???
Time of Run = Anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes, stopped tracking - need a watch!
Route = 5k plus loop

I ran with L again today, as always we had some great conversation.  Lately I have been having a hard time getting up to run, I blame the dark.  Knowing that L is waiting for me is great motivation and I NEVER regret how I feel once we start.  It's just a great way to start a day, especially when I know it will be a busy one.  L, if you are reading this, you are a great running partner - thanks!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dirty Dash 2010!!!

This was the most fun I've had running EVER!  I can't wait until next year!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Well, I did it again.  I have completely psyched myself out for tomorrow's race!  At 10:40 tomorrow morning me and my team "Kiss my pass" will start the Dirty Dash!  I just looked at some pictures from the Boise race on facebook...AHHHHH!   What did I get myself into?!?

I don't really like to get dirty, I hate being cold, and basically I am a giant baby.  What did I get myself into?!?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.2 to 3.5 miles
Length of Run = Unsure, need to keep better track of my time!
Route = Church Route plus some

Ran with L today.  It was chilly!  That is all.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Distance Ran = 8 miles
Length of Run = 1 hour and 9 minutes (Just about 9 minutes per mile)
Route = running trail nearby

Today I ran with a very driven and focused runner buddy of mine.  I tried to run with her about 4 months ago, it was actually my first run in about a year and she kicked my butt.  We "ran" 6 miles, but I had to stop and walk quite a bit.  Since that run I have been determined to get to a point where I could comfortably run with her again, and I am proud to say that I did it!  This is also my furthest run to date, and of course the time is great!  Basically I am proud of myself, I ran the entire thing and I felt good afterward and I could walk the day after.  Those are all great things and I think that I can officially call myself a runner now.  DIRTY DASH is this Saturday and I can't wait!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.5 miles
Time of Run = unsure (anywhere from 35-40 minutes)
Route - 5k plus to church

I have a new running buddy!  Good friend L and I ran together this morning and it was great!  A couple of women have been attacked in broad daylight near my home so from now on I vow to always run with someone.  Anyway, we had a good run and a good conversation.  We are planning on running together on Thursday too.

Less than two weeks until the dirty dash and I am so excited!  The only thing I am not looking forward to is driving home with mud everywhere.  I'll have to figure that one out...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Distance Ran = 5k
Length of Run = 28.17 minutes (8.81 per mile...PR!!!)
Route = 5k route

It was crazy windy this morning, it seemed to always be changing directions and so I felt I was mostly running into the wind.  It was nice and cool though, and no mosquito's.  I pushed it this morning and am happy with my results!  I would really like to shave off another minute or so on my 5k time.  That is my goal for next week's Tues and Thurs runs.

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

Distance Ran = ?  Maybe 1.5 to 2 miles?
Length of run = Wasn't keeping track
Route = Round a bout way to get mail for friend and back.

I had a really late night last night so I slept in this morning.  Later on I borrowed my neighbors double jogging stroller and went for a run with a boys.  Why don't I have a jogging stroller!?!  Oh yeah, they are pricey.  Anyway, it was  a lot of fun to have them along, I just let them pick which direction we ran each time we got to an intersection.  They were comfortable and quiet and enjoyed it as well.  Plus, it was hard to run pushing 60 pounds of kid, good training for the dirty dash I think. 

Saturday, September 4th 2010

Distance Ran = 6 miles
Time of Run = 1 hour
Route = trail behind house

I ran with another runner today who is also preparing for the "dirty dash".  She is a good friend from high school that happens to live two blocks away from me.  We ran into each other on Thursday while we were both out running, got to talking and found that we were both preparing for the same race.  We are going to do Saturday runs together for the next little while.  It was a lot of fun!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Distance Ran = 5k
Length of Run = 30.49
Route = 5k backwards

It was another perfect morning, clear sky, slight breeze from the South and 57 degrees.  I had a good run with a sprint at the end.  It's a great way to start my day!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.5 miles
Time of Run = 30 minutes
Route = 5k route plus a loop

It was 54 degrees this morning, perfect!  I had a good run with just me and my thoughts.  Mrs. HK is taking the week off after her sprint triathlon. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.2 miles
Time of Run = 30.16 (9.43 per mile)
Route = good old 5k, backwards!

Today I ran alone, I was supposed to meet Mrs. HK and she didn't show up right away.  I could see that her house lights were off so I started my run, apparently she saw me and came out as I left a cloud of dust (haha!).  I basically ditched her, but she forgives me.  Anyway, I really struggled this morning, I felt sluggish and really congested and phleghmy.  I am still working through the tail end of a cold, but I kicked my butt into gear and made somewhat decent time.  On a plus note, I got new running shoes (finally!) and I really love them!  This morning was pretty crisp, it felt good but my ears and forehead were quite cold.  I need to consider some sort of ear warmer or headband or something.  I suppose a beanie would work too.  Good to be back!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Distance Ran = 3 miles running, 1.5 miles walking
Time of Run = 30 minutes for run, 30 minutes for walk
Route = trail by house

Tuesday was a bust, we both woke up and met and then promptly decided that we weren't feeling it that day and so went home and went back to bed.  Today was better, a bit slow, but at least we did something.  It was still totally dark this morning at 6 and there was a lot of cloud cover so the light took a long time to filter through.  It was a nice workout though and I am glad that I did it, I am still trying to get over this cold and I really didn't want to get up.  Glad I did.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Distance Ran = 6 miles
Time of Run = 56 minutes (9.30 min miles)
Route = Home to the trail, 3 miles in and back again

I had a great run today.  The weather was perfect, the sunrise was beautiful, my body felt great.  I took a new route today and it included some hills.  I am happy to report that I still made decent time despite the added difficulty to my running.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Distance Ran = 5k
Time of Run = 33.73 (10.55 per mile)
Route = 5k fun run

Weird weird day.  I woke up twenty minutes late, completely ditching Mrs Hk ON HER BIRTHDAY! Anyway, I went out for a run anyway as I still had some time. It was weird, I think I might have some sort of cold, my breathing was really weird and I had so much phlegm.  Most of all, I am SO grateful there was a portable bathroom on my route. The End.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.8 miles
Time of Run = 38 minutes (10 minute miles)
Route = 5k route plus a neighborhood loop

Today I took Mrs. Hk on the 5k route.  I didn't tell her where we were going until we needed to turn and I didn't tell her how far we had gone or were planning on going until the end.  We kept a steady pace throughout the run, which is always nice.  There was a bit of crispness to the morning when we first started out, and even as we were finishing it was still pleasant outside.  It was a beautiful run!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Distance Ran = 5.7 miles
Time of Run = 59.86 minutes
Route = New route, combo of 5k plus church route, plus neighborhoods.

Today was great!  I really loved running this morning, I haven't been on a really good run in a while and it just felt great.  The weather was perfect, although I started running in the dark, I guess that is just a sign of the impending autumn weather.  I found myself appreciating the sky, the sunrise, and the ability that I have to run.  I really have a lot to be thankful for, and I am glad that I took the time this morning to run so that I could have that moment.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday, August 5th, 2010

Distance Walked: 2.5 miles
Time of Walk:  who knows...
Route: church plus a new loop minus last loop

Mrs. HK and I were planning on riding 10 miles today and then running 2 miles.  Well, Mrs. HK's tires were flat, and we had a few other problems so we bagged our bikes and decided just to walk and talk.  We needed to talk today, running will commence on Saturday.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2010

Distance Ran : 3.5 miles
Time of Run: 47 minutes...yeah, pretty slow
Route: Church and a half

Today was super windy, we made good time heading NOrth but coming back South we were running so SLOW because of the wind.  Our pace was also a bit slow today, I would really like to go faster.  The one bonus of today is that we ran an extra mile...that is good!

Saturday we are doing a 10 mile bike ride followed by a 2 mile run, just to see how that feels for Mrs. HK's triathlon in a few weeks.  Should be fun!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday, July 31st, 2010

Small Setback:

Thursday I woke up with a migraine so I didn't run.
Today when the alarm went off it was still dark outside!  I was going to run alone and I thought it was not a good idea to do it in the dark.  I am worried because it's only going to get worse, and if I can't run in the morning I don't know when I will.  I FEEL LIKE A SLUG!
Next week will be better.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.2 miles
Time of Run =29.09  (9.09 per mile, PR!)
Route = 5k route

It rained last night, so this morning was perfectly cool...and perfectly muggy.  I don't think I have ever sweat as much as I did today.  I sure am glad that I live in a dry arid state!  However, if someone twisted my arm and gave me a house there and infinite cash, I would probably relocate to Kona.  I would just have to learn to love the humidity. 

This was my first run back into my training after the 10k.  I was SORE Sunday and a little bit yesterday, it felt good to loosen up my muscles and ligaments today in my run.  I am proud of myself that I am continually shaving just a bit off of my time.  It is always hard, but feels really good when I do it!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday, July 24th, 2010

Race Results: 
Emily Jacobs...finished 687 out of 1200 women...126th of my age group...
final time.....59.54.9!!!!!!!  That's a 9.39 minute mile people!!!

The best part is that I beat the crap out of my goal by a whopping 6 seconds!

This race was AWESOME!  I loved the route, I loved the feeling of running amongst all of those people, I loved the morning,  I just couldn't stop smiling!  I actually ate something before I ran this morning and I felt great the entire run!  The last half mile was a bit hard, it was a slight grade increase, and we were facing the sun.  I had to sprint it in to make my time, but I did it! 

I have earned myself a new pair of running shoes, courtesy of the handsome Nicholas Jacobs.
I have also learned that it is possible to pee one's pants and to just keep on running.  Really.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday, July 23rd, 2010

I REALLY need to go to bed, but I am too anxious/excited to sleep!  I feel like a kid on christmas eve.  Tomorrow is my first 10k race ever, I'm so excited!!!   My mind is racing, have I hydrated enough, are my clothes set out, what should I wear (REALLY?  I am worried about that?)  how should i do my hair that is least annoying, will wearing a watch annoy me...and so on.  I'm going to go to bed now, I'M JUST SO EXCITED!!!

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

Bike Distance = 12 miles
Time of biking = 45 minutes

I am not running today because I have the 10k (eeek) on Saturday, so I rode solo this morning on Nick's bike.  It was nice, I almost swallowed like 500 gnats, but other than that, very nice. I must admit my crotch and butt are sore, I hate that part of riding!  Nick says you get used to it...someone please explain how GUYS can get used to being squished there?!?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday July 20, 2010 - Race Week!!!

Distance Ran 2 miles...then another .8
Time of Run = 2 miles at 18.24 (9.12) and .8 at 8 minutes
Route = church and back, + Manchester loop

Whew!  Mrs. KJ joined Mrs. HK and I this morning,  she was FAST!!  We tried our best to keep up with her but she finished our 2 mile about 25 seconds before me.  Mrs. KJ had to leave for work at 6:30 so she had a fair amount of motivation.  As for me, well I just didn't want to eat too much of her dust...that was my motivation.  I ran another .8 after the 1.7 miles to make an even 2.5.

Tomorrow I plan on going to workout with Sarah, or doing pilates or yoga.  Thursday means a bike ride with Mrs. HK and Mrs. E, probably 6 or 7 miles.  Friday is rest, rest, and more rest.  Actually hubbs has the day off and we are going to attend the temple, so I will really rest!  Early bed that night, and Saturday I will finish my 10k in UNDER 60 minutes!!!  How exciting!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

Distance Ran = 6 miles (Ah!  I thought it was a full 10k)
Time of run = 66.74 (Ah!  11.12 per mile, I wanted to finish the 10k under 60)
Route = 5k x almost 2 (Ran out of time and had to get veggies)

Hmmm.  I didn't quite achieve my goal, but I still did 6 miles, only .2 less than my goal.  I was a bit slower than I would have liked, but I gave myself two 1-minute intervals of walking.  I will have to either pick up my running pace or cut out those walking intervals.  NEXT WEEK I RUN THE 10K!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Distance Ran = 2.5 miles (plus a half mile  more untimed)
Length of Run = 22.37 (8.95...hello!)
Route = Church route, backwards

I pushed it today!  I knew I was only planning on running 2.5 miles so I just gave it my all.  The results were my best time ever for this run, under 9 minutes per mile!  I'm quite pleased with myself.  Mrs. HK ran with me today, she is back from a week long vacation and it's been two weeks since she ran.  She kept pace with me the first 1.2 miles and then had a cramp.  I kept going, I really wanted to keep pace today.  I feel sort of bad about it even though she said it was fine, I just feel like I made a commitment to run with her and I should keep it.  I hope she really meant it was fine. 

Game plan from here on out: 
Sat = 10k run of my own devising. (Under 60 min would be great!)
Monday = Yoga or pilates
Tuesday = 2.5 miles, push pace
Wednesday = Workout with Sarah or Jillian
Thursday = Walk, undetermined length or pace, with Shelly
Friday = Yoga or Pilates
SATURDAY = 10K!!!  The goal is to definitely finish under 60 minutes!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Distance Ran = 6.2 miles
Time of Run = 62.58 minutes ( 10.16 per mile)
Route = Church plus 5k to home

I feel great today!  My joints aren't as sore as they were on Saturday when I only ran 5 miles.  For me running is really a mind game, in order to keep my pace up I just need to give myself pep talks in my head.  May sound weird, it's just what I do.  In the 10k I need to remember to just focus on my breathing, put on blinders to all of the faster runners around me, and keep myself pumped up.  If I can do that I believe that I can finish in under one hour, and I will run the entire 10k.  Less than two weeks to go!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday, July 10th, 2010

Distance Ran = 5 miles
Time of Run = 55.14 (11.03)  (boo)
Route = 5k plus 2

I was planning on running a 10k this morning but I was just slow.  I ran out of time and I had to cut my run short.  Bummer.  Next week I plan on running nothing less than a 5k and a full 10k on Saturday.
There's always tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Distance Ran = 2.5 miles
Time of Run = 22.89 (9.16!)
Route = Church

Back in the game!   I went running alone today and I pushed myself, I would really love to love a 9 minute mile very soon.  After my run I did some weights and lunges and now I just feel really great!  On Thursday I plan on Running 5 miles, then on Saturday I am going to run 7.5 miles.  The weather was beautiful, it was a bit chilly but felt great.  I had some wind on the South stretch, I HATE the wind!!!  At least I am getting used to having some resistance as it is usually windy going south. 

Monday, July 5, 2010

5K Fun Run!

Distance Ran: 5k (3.2 miles)
Time of Run: 29.54 (9.24 per mile!)
Route: Around the neighborhood.

PR!!!  This was my first "race" since I have begun running this year.  I kind of freaked out a bit in the beginning  and overshot the first half mile.  Mainly I was trying to get ahead of all of the little kids on bicycles, so I just kind of sprinted.  I paid for it thought because I got a side stitch about a mile in that didn't let up for the duration of the race.  I also drank too much water beforehand.  That always get's me.  Anyway, I walked for about 20 yards somewhere near 2.5 miles, but then went back to pace.  The last .2 I sprinted...and I made under my goal!!! My goal was 30 minutes, and I did it with 6 seconds to spare.

Next goal: Pioneer day 10K in 58 minutes.  It will take a little bit of shaving off my time, but I am going to do it.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Bike Distance = 12 miles
Ride Time = 1 hour
Ride Route = Parkway in the neighborhood

I went riding today!  It was great, different set of muscles than running.  Going north was a piece of cake, but going south was a beast because it was so windy.  I didn't get the same satisfaction as when I run, but I still feel good and I'm glad that I went out and did something today.  Yesterday was supposed to be my short run day and I had a serious migraine so I didn't go.  Coming up...5k on Saturday!  I am giving myself two days off so that I can really push my pace on Saturday.  The goal is 9 minute miles, so that means a total time be realistic I'm going to say 30 minutes.  I can't wait!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

Distance Ran = 5 miles!
Time of Run = 47.92 minutes (9.58 per mile  PERSONAL RECORD!!!)
Route = Good 'ole churchy x2

Today was great!  I felt ready to pick up the pace and my mileage, so I did.  I must admit that I think that my pace is faster than that of my running partners, but it's ok because I run alone one time per week and that is the day that I will push it.  Next Saturday is the 5k that I signed up for, and I have four weeks from today until the 10k.  My current goal is to get my pace a bit faster, than after the 5k I will start running a 10k on my long days and focus on my pace at that distance.  I love it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Distance WALKED : 3 miles
Time:  ????

 Mrs HK and I started out running but she wasn't feeling it today so we walked most of our route today.  I must admit that I am a little disappointed, I was looking forward to a good paced 3 mile run.  Oh well, there's always Saturday. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday, June 22nd 2010

Distance Ran = 3 miles
Time of Run = 32.05 (10.68 per mile)
Route = Church to main road, Oxford loop to home.

It's been a week since my last run, last Thursday we walked because it was soooo  cold!  Saturday Nick and I were out of town.  Our pace was average today, but we thought we had run farther than we actually had which is always disappointing.  Thursday I want to run at least 4 miles.  It did feel good to be back though, I had almost forgotten why I loved running so much!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

Distance ran = 3.5 miles
Time of run = 33.24 (9.49 per mile! PR!)
Route = church route +1 mile stretch

This morning Mrs. E joined Mrs. HK and I for our run. Mrs. E is a triathlon coming back into the game and she pumped up out time today. This was my best and most consistent time yet! It felt really good to get out this morning, my hips are a bit sore though because I missed Saturday's workout. Time for a good stretch and some rest until Thursday. I would like to add another half mile to my long run that way I am only 1.4 miles away from a full 10k.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I had to skip my run this morning due to an event that I have been helping with ALL DAY today. It was really cold and really rainy and really windy so I don't know if I would have actually made it that far anyway. I miss it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Distance Ran = 2.5 miles (Focus on Pace)
Time of Run = 26.71 Minutes (10.68 per mile)
Route = Church Route

It was raining this morning, it made it really hard to get out of bed and get motivated. Once I got out there, Mrs. HK was feeling the same way, so we walked for a bit. Running in the rain is actually really refreshing! I feel good about our pace today and I am making a goal for myself to run a 10 minute or less mile on Saturday, it's only a 2 mile run so I am sure that I can achieve it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Distance Ran = 3.5 miles (Long Run Day)
Time of Run = 39.19 Minutes (11.20 per mile)
Route = Church route, plus one mile to truck and back

This morning I ran with a partner, good friend Mrs. HK. My pace was a bit slower, but we were keeping pace with each other and I had some nasal congestion this morning. I forgive myself. This is about a minute slower than my ideal pace, next long run I am going to try and keep a 10 minute mile. I do feel good, and I so enjoy running!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday, June 5th, 2010

Distance Ran = 2.5miles
Time of run = 27.38 minutes (10.90 per mile)
Route = Flat, the church route

Morning came much too quickly today, I worked until 12:30 this morning so getting up was a bit of a task in itself. Despite that I have actually been looking forward to running again for the past two days!

This morning was beautiful, the air was perfect with just a teeny chill to help my along my route. The sky was beautiful and I received the gift of a beautiful sunrise. I am thankful that my Hubby is picking up the veggies this morning, it gave me time to run and shower so that we can make a 9:00 AM session. It's going to be a great day!

Note to self: Make a playlist that consists of more songs with the same tempo as Bad Bad Leroy Brown. :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Distance ran = 2.25 miles
Time of run = 25.18 (10.08 per mile)
Route = New route, flat church route

Thoughts: This is my personal best! I ran a new route today and I really enjoyed it. It is exactly 2.5 miles (I drove it to be sure) and it is easy to add more when I need too. To be able to run with neighbor-lady I need to run a 9 minute mile...I'm giving myself until July to be able to do this. Great run today!

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2010

Distance ran = 2.25 miles
Time of run = 26.17 minutes (roughly an 11 minute mile)
Route = 7 laps around my hood

Thoughts: I hate this route! I will never do it again if I can avoid it. A surprising amount of people are out at this hour letting their dogs go to the bathroom. I also thought that I had run farther than I actually had. Bummer.